Changes to council tax discounts and premiums – consultation closing 16th October


The Council is proposing to remove the discount offered to empty and unfurnished properties to deliver £1.4m savings to help bridge the funding gap it faces in the period to 2019/20.

In the three years to 2019/20, government funding for Council services is reducing by £33.5m. In response CWAC are proposing changes including additional income through Council Tax and Business Rates. CWAC believes that the removal of the discount given to owners of empty and unfurnished homes will deliver additional income in a way that limits the impact on a significant majority of Council Tax payers and residents.
CWAC would like to know your thoughts on the proposal to remove this discount, as well as your views on other discretionary Council Tax discounts and premiums.

How to share your views

The consultation is open until 16 October 2017. You can complete the survey online or by printing off the questionnaire in the consultation document and posting or emailing it back to CWAC.

Please go to:

to find all the consultation information and further details on how to comment on the proposals.


You can also submit comments or ask further information by: