
Welcome to the Little Budworth Galleries page!  We will be publishing collections of photographs from local photographers as regularly as we can to cover the life in village, the parish and the surrounding area, both past and present.

We welcome additional pictures or albums from local residents.  If you have any that you think our visitors will be interested in, please contact

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LB Remembrance 11/11/2018

A selection of images from the 100th Anniversary Commemoration of the end of the First World War held outside St Peter's Church and in the Red Lion Inn. Kind thanks to Paul Wilcox for allowing us to publish his photographs on the website
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Open Garden in Support of MIND

There was a very successful Open Garden on 17th June 2017 at the home of Karen Hartley and family in support of MIND. The beautiful weather drew in a large crowd and they managed to raise over £1100 for the charity.

FoLBC Working Parties - December 2016 and January 2017

Some pictures from the working parties in December 2016 (path laying across the cleared Area 4) and January 2017 (scrub clearance with our new tree poppers on adjacent to Area 5)

Budapest Cafe Orchestra

The Budapest Café Orchestra played a rousing set of songs at the Village Hall which was enjoyed by all. Pictures from Leo Hodgkins

FoLBC Fungi Foray - October 2016

A small group of Friends and fungi fanatics spent a very damp morning exploring the Common's fungal splendours.

FoLBC Working Party - October 2016

A hardy band of volunteers re-laid paths across the recently restored areas across from the main car park and cleared a lot of scrub from the heathland near the Stumpery.

Queen's 90th Birthday Celebration - July 2016

A village fete was held on 9th July to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday, including a very popular fun dog show. Despite the weather, the event was a huge success raising well over £2000 for the Village Hall and the Village Green.

First Aid Training

Little Budworth Parish Council held a free accredited Basic First Aid training course on Saturday 12th March in the village hall. 18 residents took part and ended the day with the knowledge that they could save a life. In addition to this the trainer brought along a defibrillator and demonstrated how it works. This was a great addition to the course as the Parish Council are paying for a defibrillator which will be installed in the telephone box situated in Vicarage Lane. A big thank you to Kristel Lawson and Lesley Burgoyne for supplying the delicious lunch.

FoLBC Working Party - October 2015

An enthusiastic group of volunteers and new ranger Stephanie spent an enjoyable morning replanting heather in Restoration Area 1 (off Beech Road).

FoLBC Fungi Foray - September 2015

22 intrepid mushroom hunters, under the leadership of Fungal Punk Dave, had a very entertaining and interesting day discovering the delights of the fungi that live on Little Budworth Common. During the day over 80 different types of fungus were identified with a further 20 being identify under the microscope later in the day. Many thanks to Dave for making it such an excellent event! Many thanks to Richard Morris for the inclusion of some of his photographs.
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WI - 100th Anniversary Craft Fair Saturday 5th September 2015

On Saturday 5th September Little Budworth WI held a very successful craft fair in the Jubilee Hall. Between 40 and 50 local people came along to help us celebrate 100 years of the WI. The Jubilee Hall buzzed with activity. There was a special 100 year birthday cake decorated with a candle and honey bees baked by Anne Hall from a recipe in the WI Life magazine. Visitors were treated to tea and delicious homemade cakes served by Christine McKenzie and Beryl Worrall. There were many craft activities demonstrated with taster sessions and villagers proved themselves to be very creative. Katie and Gina Pearce, Faye Aspinall, Val Tough, Jen Hall, Sandra Farr and Anne Andrews helped local children of all ages make puppets out of papier-mâché covered plastic bottles; there were animals, characters, space rockets, robots and lots more. Carol Smith, Ruby Speed and Mary Curzon demonstrated their skills in knitting and crochet and taught visitors how to get going with wool and needles. The wine tasting table was always busy; Anne and Caroline Hall, Sandy McKnight and Barbara Icely tested villagers' knowledge about the grape. Queues formed around the flower arranging table as Di Robinson and Barbara Read showed people how to make stunning floral displays. We are grateful to Rachael Gilbert for demonstrating the art of jewellery making and quite a few villagers will be seen out and about wearing their new creations. Rosemary Gilbert is also thanked for showing people how to make beautiful, intricate sugar flowers to decorate cakes. It was a fun afternoon out for the village and a lovely occasion for the community to get together.
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FoLBC Working Party - July 2015 - Whitehall Moss

Great turn out for the July working party with 15 volunteers helping to clear the edges of Whitehall Moss and install bollards on one of the paths.

FoLBC Working Parties - May and June 2015

A few photos from the May and June working parties on the Common. Many thanks to Barbara Icely for the pictures.

FoLBC - Working Parties in November & December 2014

The final two working parties for November and December could not have been more different! November saw a small group brave the elements (rain) to clear scrub whereas December's large group had a beautiful sunny but cold morning removing fir trees from the heathland. It was great to see several enthusiastic newcomers at both sessions! The December session included a walk around the Common to see how the restoration work on the heathland in areas 1 & 2 was progressing - good progress so far.

FoLBC - Mire Clearance - October 2014

The FoLBC volunteers gathered in October to carry out further clearance of the Mire at the end of the Pond. This included the removal of the remainder of the Birch thicket. It was good to see some new faces, especially the youngsters who came and joined in!

St Peter's Church - Harvest Displays

Some beautiful displays of local produce in celebration of Harvest at St Peter's Church - October 2014

FoLBC - Fungi Foray - September 2014

A group of Friends was given a superb guided tour of the Common by a Fungi expert from Rotherham on a bright sunny September day. A very enjoyable day for all during which around 25-30 different specifies of mushroom were identified, along with some other spectacular flora.

FoLBC - Tree Clearance - September 2014

A small group of volunteers assisted Ranger Charles in clearing some of the fallen trees on a cold damp morning in September. Logs and chippings generated in large quantities!

Car Fest North - August 2014

Some excellent photos of the Sunday at Car Fest Nort, courtesy of local photographer, Paul Wilcock.

FoLBC Pond Clearance and Hedge Laying - July 2014

A small group of volunteers removed birch scrub from a small thicket had developed at the far end of the large pool on the common. Our expert hedge layers used the removed trees to create new hedges around the edge of the pool.

FoLBC Scrub and Path Clearance - June 2014

An enthusiastic group of volunteers took advantage of the good weather to clear a large area of scrub at the edge of the lowland heath (where we cleared on our first session last year) and clear bracken from some of the paths.

Beginners Bowling Session at The Red Lion - July 2014

An Introduction to Green Bowls session was held at The Red Lion and was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. Huge thanks to Paul Wilcock for his photographs!

FoLBC - Enclosure Fencing Removal

On a bright April Saturday a band of volunteers set about removing the fencing of the enclosure commonly known as "the Rabbit Run". This area had been enclosed several years ago to allow regeneration of the natural habitat which was now felt to be completed. Huge thanks to Scott Campbell for the photographs!

FoLBC Scrub Clearance 08 March 2014

On a cold Saturday in March, a small band of volunteers set about clearing another section of heathland of intruding birch and did some general tidy up following the storms. Well done team! Huge thanks to Barbara Icely for the photos!

FoLBC Hedge Laying 20140208

14 Friends of Little Budworth Common volunteers and a very excited dog braved the weather and carried out some hedge laying around the pond at the western end of the common. Once again, it was amazing what was achieved in just a couple of hours, especially as this was the first time that most of us had done anything like this. Well done team!

FoLBC Scrub Clearance - Jan 2014

A dozen volunteers helped clear another large area of lowland heath on the Common on a beautiful sunny, but cold, day in January 2014. It was amazing what was achieved in just a couple of hours, even with the particularly boggy ground that they were working on.

Christmas Walk 2013

Ranger Charles Baillee took a large group of locals and visitors on a guided walk around Little Budworth Common, introducing them to the large variety of Common habitats and giving an outline of the work that is being planned to restore them.

Christmas Tree Festival 2013

The annual Christmas Tree Festival at St Peter's church presented a wonderful collection of trees decorated by local businesses and societies.

Village Views by Paul Wilcock

A portfolio of beautiful shots from around the village and surrounding area by local villager, Paul Wilcock. Thanks to Paul for allowing us to publish these!
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FoLBC - Scrub Clearance #1

On Saturday 28th September, over 20 volunteers from the Friends of Little Budworth Common joined Ranger Charles Baillie to clear an area of lowland heath that was becoming overgrown with birch and other undesirable invaders. The team put in a magnificent effort and the change was easy to appreciate. Great fun was had by all and the resulting improvement, especially the opening up of the view down the length of the heath, was amazing.


General images of Little Budworth and surrounding area