Information from PC Monks following his attendance at the parish council meeting on 3rd October 2017

It was lovely meeting you all on the 3rd October and receiving a good turnout by the local residents.


The best ways to contact Cheshire Police to make us aware of issues, other than using 101 or 999 to report crime, is the use of social media. This can be done by signing up to ‘Cheshire Alert’ or by accessing our Twitter and Facebook pages.


Below are some of the signs potential criminals use to target addresses, but these are always subject to change. I advise if residents see any significant chalk marks/signs of any description on their properties to make us aware.

In relation to the reports of speeding in the parish, I will try and get our local speed enforcement officer to pay some attention to the A54 where the new 50mph limit is being introduced. Unfortunately there is not the volume of traffic to warrant doing any enforcement through the village but residents could set up a community speed watch if there are willing volunteers.