Oulton Park Update

At the time of writing there are no events planned for January now that we find ourselves in the current lockdown. Within the lockdown rules activities can still run which are work for the people involved e.g. professional testing, film shoots etc.…

St Peter’s Church – Toy Donations

Boxes and bags full of toys and presents for children and teenagers whichthe Salvation Army of Winsford collected yesterday.  A HUGE ‘thank you’ to everyone who donated gifts. They are greatlyappreciated, and will be given this Christmas and throughout the…

Volunteer to help the NHS

The NHS Volunteer Responders scheme set up by NHS England and NHS Improvement, in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Service, is currently seeking new members in Tarporley and surrounding villages to support the local community. To join we need you…

Macmillan Thank You

The Jubilee Hall Committee would like say say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the Macmillan Cancer Support fund raising activities. Your efforts raised £120 in difficult circumstance during 2020! Congratulations to everyone involved.