Proposed 50mph speed limit on A54 (from Longstone Lane to Kelsall Hill)

Cheshire West and Chester Council are proposing to increase the stretch of road covered by the 50mph speed limit on the A54 (Chester Road). This extension will be from just beyond Longstone Lane to Organsdale Farm (Kelsall Hill). This has been publicised in the local press and further details are available in the attached pdf notice.

As most local residents will be aware a number of the families who live on or close to the A54 have been involved in serious incidents caused by speeding drivers. We therefore ask that local residents comment on the proposed reduction in speed limit and can do so by either writing to Kieran Collins at the address shown in the notice or emailing:

Any resident who has already completed a comments form earlier in the process can still comment during this formal press consultation stage.

Notice of 50mph limit proposal for A54