This year’s Christingle service will be held next Sunday 1st December at 4.30pm, at St Peter’s Church, Little Budworth. The collection at the service is donated to The Children’s Society.
At the November Family Service at St Peter’s, we had a speaker from The Children’s Society who came to tell us more about their important work providing a lifeline to vulnerable children across the country. Sadly not all children in the UK have a happy family and home life; they may be at risk from exploitation, affected by adult substance misuse, be a young refugee or migrant. They may be young carers, forced to grow up early and miss out on the same opportunities as other children. The Children’s Society provides support both through direct services, and by campaigning for changes to law and policies to tackle unfairness and to protect vulnerable children from harm.
Numbers coming to Christingle have dwindled in recent years, so please come along and support this worthwhile cause if you can, as well as gathering together to celebrate at this lovely service.