St Peter’s Carol Singing

Due to the increasing incidence of the Covid varient Omicron, it has been decided, sadly, to forgo carol singing around the village on Christmas Eve again this year.

Contrary to popular belief, St Peter’s, and ‘the church’ in general, do not have funds to support them except from what is given at Sunday services and (the most) from fundraising, of which carol singing is a part.

Like every other organisation, there has been little opportunity to have fundraising events during the last 20 months, yet St Peter’s still has all the usual bills to pay.

If you would like to make a contribution via internet banking to help keep St Peter’s ‘afloat’, here are the bank details: sort code 60-15-29 account 03410471 (Little Budworth PCC)

You can also support St Peter’s at no cost to yourself by buying online through Easyfundraising.

Here’s the link –

Many thanks for your generosity.