During April 2020, Sunflower seeds were distributed to the villagers of Little Budworth to grow in their gardens. An offering of sunshine, brightness, and hope in these unprecedented times.
By taking photographs of them we could share this village activity. Independently recording them in strange shapes, closeups, growing in unusual places, and companions in the garden!
The Creative art and craft group will arrange the photos into a collage to display later in the year.
Following this perhaps we could be adventurous create an image from the sunflower by any of these processes:
drawing, painting, collage, stitch, or any other materials you care to use. This is perhaps the ideal opportunity to explore new ways of expressing yourself.
This work can be photographed to be included in the photo collage or become of part of an art display in spring/summer next year.
This is not a competition but a way to share different ways of communication, and how we in Little Budworth have felt during this period of time.
You may like to add a few words on the back of your photo, of the sunflower.
Photos can be dropped off into a box at 25 St Peter’s Drive, CW6 9BZ or The Croft, Mill Lane CW6 9DB.
Closing date for photo entry is 1st October