For those who do not already know, there is a very active gardening club “Up The Garden Path” that meets at Jessie Hughes Village Hall in Eaton on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
Upcoming events:
27th June
Visit – Over Allotments (Cost and time to be confirmed)
Saturday, 8th July
Tarporley Carnival (Members to grow plants and assist where necessary)
25th July
Spud in a Bucket evening (Host and venue to be confirmed)
22nd August
Visit to “Sunnyside Farm, Shop Lane, Little Budworth, CW6 9HA“
(Mr & Mrs Smeethe) 6.00pm at property, £4 per person, £3 for tea and cake.
5th September (1st Tuesday)
Produce Show Jessie Hughes Village Hall 7.30pm
24th October
Kevin Pratt – The Bulb Year Jessie Hughes Village Hall 7.30pm
28th November
Margaret Bourne – Flower Demonstration
Flowers to be raffled off – Jessie Hughes Village Hall 7.30pm
Wednesday, 13th December
Christmas Social Evening (Host and venue to be confirmed)
For further information, please contact Lindsey Worrall ( or 01829 760653)