Every year at this time, Little Budworth Mothers’ Union branch organises a community collection for the homeless. Over the years this has included bags with suitable contents for homeless women, hats and scarves for men and women and so on.
This year, though it is slightly more difficult than usual because of the present situation, we are doing a collection of socks and gloves for men and women. We liaise with the Salvation Army in Winsford who distribute them where they are needed.
Usually there is a box in St Peter’s church for contributions, but as services are not permitted at the moment, you will be able to put donations in a lidded bin on the drive of Cora Cowap’s house – Brackenburn, Vicarage Lane.
The project will run for the first 2 weeks of December finishing on Sunday 13th.
All members of the community, not just Mothers’ Union members, are welcome to make donations, which will be gratefully received.
Thank you